norwegian army cold war

J, originally built by Henschel und Sohn in May, 1941 before being upgraded. The priority target of the 7.5 cm guns would be any aircraft that attempted to land. The upgraded Chaffee went from being a light tank, to a tank destroyer, hence ‘Panserjager’. These illustrations were produced by Ardhya Anargha, funded by our Patreon campaign. In 1949, Norway and the West became an even more united front. The battalion is equipped with CV-90 infantry fighting vehicles and Leopard 2 tanks, and can be deployed quickly to deal with national or international crises. Fortunately for the Norwegian Military, the United States were keen to keep their European allies strong in the face of an increasing threat from the Soviet Union. These was often dropped to the Norwegian resistance groups and British saboteurs hiding in the mountains during the war. Special forces 2. The vehicle has since been restored to a fully operational condition. As such, the Norwegian Military turned to the French and decided upon their D/925 Low-Pressure 90 mm Gun. Although the army still did not represent the whole nation, as city residents were exempt from military duty, 1628 is generally regarded by historians as the year when the modern Norwegian army was born. Teknisk Håndbok, Panserjager NM-116: Beskrivelse, Behandling, og Brukerens Vedlikehold (Eng: Technical Manual, Panserjager NM-116: Description, Treatment, and User Maintenance). A simple wooden shelter was constructed over them. The others, an Ausf. The 2-7 tonnes lift capacity was more than enough to hoist the NM-116’s Detroit Diesel engine which weighed just 600 kgs (1323 lbs). This picture definitely changed with the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and the subsequent break-up of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact. As the Norwegian citizenry had not been armed or trained in the use of arms for nearly three centuries they were not able to fight. In a fashion similar to the KW-III turret placements at Ft. Bjørnåsen, these turrets were part of a larger bunker system. No problems whatsoever.”. Judging from the few available photos of the NM-130 in service, it would appear that crane’s boom was used as a stowage point for the crew’s personal packs and effects, as well as camouflage nets and other sundries. WW2 British biscuit container. An example of this is a bunker system was located in Harstad, in the far north of Norway. To support the new NM-116, it was also decided that a new Armored Recovery Vehicle (ARV), or ‘Bergepanser’, be developed. These guns also came from ex-Wehrmacht stocks adopted at the end of WW2. Hangar 96. For these, new concrete emplacements were built beside the buried tanks. This was a powerful anti-tank gun, with a maximum penetration of 176 mm (6.9 in) firing an APCR shell. Those parts of the 25th that would stay in Norway would form a new unit called the “Panzer Division Norway ”. With the outbreak of the Napoleonic wars, Denmark-Norway and Sweden tried to remain outside the fray; but Denmark’s King Fredrik IV’s decision to align with Napoleon meant that hostilities had to reach Norway sooner or later. This led the Danish king to invite German mercenaries to coach and command the Danish-Norwegian Armed Forces: a decision echoing down the centuries in traces of Germanic vocabulary used by the Norwegian military to this day. The crane consists of a large boom with an integral, external control position. Left, a Norwegian Army operated M48 Patton armed with the 90 mm M41 gun. Both the military and political heads of the armed forces agreed about the weakened state of the base. The coaxial Browning M1919 .30 Cal (7.62 mm) machine gun was replaced by a Browning AN/M3 .50 Cal (12.7 mm) machine gun. With the new upgrades came a new role. For this, their turrets were removed and placed on concrete plinths. Royal Norwegian Navy 3. This cab featured four large windows, the front two fitted with wiper blades. We and our partners share information on your use of this website to help improve your experience. The engine gave the tank more power as it produced 260 hp, but slowed the tank down to a top speed of 47 km/h (29 mph). Two, 208-liter (55 gallons) fuel tanks also gave it a greater range of 300 kilometers (186 miles) compared to the 160 kilometers (100 miles) of the original powerplant. In the early years of the Cold War, the Norwegian Military (Forsvaret, Eng: “The Defence”) was happy with the M24 Chaffee, as it fitted its needs. Avslutt abonnement. The Chaffee would give the Norwegian Army (Hæren) their first taste of operating a relatively modern armored vehicle, having not had a tank to operate since the single L-120 ‘Rikstanken’ of the late 1930s. From 1946 until the early 1950s, Norway received a total of 125 M24s. During the war of 1643–45, the Norwegian army performed well while its Danish counterpart flopped. All of these shells were fin-stabilized, so they would all have the ‘-FS’ suffix. ‘Yellow 1’ was transferred to Finland in 2013. The fifth road wheel was attached to the idler wheel at the rear of the running gear. To support the new NM-116, it was also decided by the military that a new Armored Recovery Vehicle (ARV) be developed. The Chaffee rolled on 5 roadwheels attached to a torsion bar suspension. At this time, however, Norway was not the richest of countries so, instead of spending millions of Kroner on a new vehicle, they chose to upgrade the Chaffee. At this time, however, Norway only had 17 Chaffees to its name, and the Army was not going to allocate its only ‘modern’ tank to guard duty. (Army and Joint special forces command), HMKG school center (His Majesty The King's guard)), AFA-Office (Administrative parental department), FKL (Logistics support center) An additional gearbox was installed to control the speed transferred to the differential housed at the front of the tank. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. It is adorned with the ‘Splinter’ camouflage pattern introduced at that time. Also in 1949, Norway and the west became an even more united front. At some point, the NM-130 also received the same sprocket upgrade as the NM-116. In 2008 the army faced criticism from within for only being able to defend only one district in Oslo in the event of a national invasion.[1]. A camouflage-colored version of the field jacket was introduced in the peace army in 1988. Lastly, 76219 was built by MAN in 1943. [5], Structure of the Norwegian Armed Forces 2012, In 2009 the Army introduced the new command and control lines. The Parliament in 1994 and 1995 approved a series of major organizational changes, for the Army in particular. Some of the remaining vehicles were turned into NM-130 Bergepanser recovery vehicles, while 4 unmodified M24s were given to the Heimevernet (Eng: Home Guard) which operated them well into the late 1970s. HJK/Forsvarets Spesialkommando Norway was one of these countries that was rebuilding after a lengthy Nazi Occupation of the country. The road wheels were attached to a torsion bar suspension. In April, the North Atlantic Treaty was signed, and NATO was born with Norway a founding member. The best of these were themselves repaired and rearmed as best as possible. Someone is proabably gonna say that this is'nt really a war. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. There were 56 battalions of infantry, 5 companies of cyclists (skiers), 3 regiments of cavalry (16 squadrons), 27 four-gun field batteries, 3 batteries of mountain artillery, 9 batteries of heavy artillery, and 1 regiment and 2 battalions of engineers. Through this program, the Norwegians received 300 fighter aircraft, 8,000 vehicles of various types, 800 field guns, and 100,000 tonnes (110,200 tons) of ammunition. Defence Staff Norway (DEFSTNOR) in Oslo acts as the staff of the Chief of Defence. The ex-Wehrmacht Panzers and StuGs, which were renamed Stridsvogn KW-III and Stormkanon KW-III respectively, filled this role until the early 1950s, when they started to be replaced by an increasing number of M24 Chaffees donated by the United States. The turret, however, was completely removed and replaced by a large folding crane. Upon arriving in Finland, the tanks were disassembled and all useful parts were stored for later use. The military history of Norway commences before the Viking Age with the internal wars fought between regional kings to obtain the supreme kingship of the whole of Norway. To develop the ARV, four extra M24s were set aside. Not wanting to relegate their small M24 Chaffee force to guard duty, the Army activated the obsolete Panzers. After 1943, many of these units were re-equipped with more powerful and newer tanks, so it is possible that these tanks were sent to Norway as it was a less crucial part of Germany’s war effort, ergo, units stationed there were not in need of the latest armored vehicles. To give an idea of the strategic importance of some of these airports, Gardermoen was located near Oslo, the capital of Norway, and was the main base of the Luftforsvaret (Royal Norwegian Airforce). Another tank can be found in the Musée des Blindés, France. The initial 1946 delivery consisted of just 9 vehicles. I served as a sergeant after completing the Norwegian cavalry academy at Trandum from 1986-1987. The navies of the The vehicle would enter service under that designation in 1975. Retreating German forces left a large quantity of equipment in their wake. Subsequent training consisted of 80 days in the second, third and seventh years of service. A small dozer blade was also installed on the vehicle’s lower glacis. The Chaffee gave the Norwegian Army one of its earliest experiences in the operation of relatively modern armor after the Second World War, and served as its primary tank for many years. Norway is already providing intelligence assistance to the United States. Ds were sent from Germany. Being assigned to airport garrison forces, their primary role was to engage troops and aircraft attempting to land. A small number of vehicles – exact amount unknown – were used as static coastal defenses. Some of these are a bit older than the usual stuff on this forum. We know that Fgst.Nr 74352 – known as ‘Yellow 3’, Fgst.Nr 66158 – known as ‘Yellow 2’, and Fgst.Nr 76219 – known as ‘Yellow 1’ were among them*. The brigade is formed primarily around three all-arms battlegroups: According to the Norwegian MoD 2012 White Paper the Brigade Nord maneuver elements will be reorganised. At first, the company was given just one of the Hæren’s M24s to experiment with. It had a strong winch, a solid crane and other tools including a welding machine. Army surplus finds its way to the civilian market in the following way: the armed forces of one country or other decides to get rid of big batches of perfectly serviceable gear due to cuts in military budgets, said gear becoming obsolete or redundant or some other similar reason. The origin of the StuGs is less well documented, unfortunately. 40 itself saw no further action and was disbanded on June 10th, 1943. Service was universal and compulsory, liability commencing at the age of 18, and continuing till the age of 56. At least two NM-130s were part of this Brigade. In total – thanks to the NM upgrade programs – the M24 gave the Hæren approximately 47 years of service, making it one of Norway’s longest-serving armored vehicles. It was not uncommon for crews to carry their own selection of preferred equipment, as Dag Nilsen describes: “NM-130 mechanics improvised and added additional equipment that experience had shown they needed. However, during my years at (PVEsk/N), these plans were amended locally. When the roadwheel reacted to terrain, the idler was pushed out or pulled in, keeping constant track tension. This is to be able to attend His Majesty the King and his family's safety in a modern way in the event of crisis or war. The base of the crane was then fixed to the top of this. The 2nd Battalion is equipped with lightly armored vehicles. The last use of the Chaffee came in 2002, when it featured in a rather risqué Norwegian commercial for mineral water. It was powered by a 12-cylinder Maybach HL 120 TRM 300 PS, producing 296 hp. The crane had a relatively low lift capacity as it was not designed to lift the entire vehicle, but just its components. Four heat exchangers were also installed to cool the engine’s oil. On the back right corner of the engine deck, there was a stowage point for extra pulleys and clevises for winching and hoisting. Falling to German invasion in April 1940, the country suffered 5 long years of occupation which only ended with the surrender of Nazi Germany in May 1945. They did, however, get their baptism of fire in June 1941 when the Pz.Abt.z.b.V. After the Kalmar War broke out in 1611, the Danish king tried to revive the volunteer leidang, with dire results. From 1943, Finland, Norway’s eastern Scandinavian Neighbour, had operated a fleet of StuG IIIs. The Oslo based company of Thune-Eureka A/S was chosen to develop the upgrades, which incorporated a new 90 mm main gun, a new, more powerful engine, a new transmission, and various other modernizations. In 1948, with the perceived threat from the USSR, the Norwegian Military decided that it was crucial to keep its major air bases protected. Firing a Hulladingsgranat M62 High-Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT) round, the weapon was capable of defeating up to 320 mm (12.6 in) of armor, a vast improvement over the M24s original 75mm gun. The chalk was then washed off at springtime.”. Ms produced and was deployed by Panzer-Grenadier Division “Grossdeutschland” on the Eastern Front in 1943. The battalion also conducts ferry-operations and provides the Army's NRBC defense capability. Times Daily' answers for TODAY! Before the unit officers was introduced around 1930, in Norway, a system similar to what you have in almost all other countries with two separate career paths: The most important task of Hans Majestet Kongens Garde is to protect the King and the royal family in peace, crisis and war. The Bergepanser entered service around the same time as the NM-116 and left service with its tank-killing brother in the early 1990s. On one exercise, a Canadian Recon Patrol Unit stopped in front of my vehicle and made a brief sweep of the area. In addition to guarding the royal residences all the guards are trained and educated in challenging military combat mission – both as individuals and as part of the Infantry Division. As the Napoleonic era drew to a close, the victorious allies decided to award Norway to Sweden in 1814. FSAN (Defence medical center), Armor battalion, Intelligence battalion, Medical battalion and Artillery battalion, Articles incorporating text from Wikipedia,, "Scandinavian governments support Bush’s war against terrorism",,, "Norwegian soldier killed in Afghanistan",,,,;jsessionid=XSEGJKECM4GQ1QFIZYGSFEQ?_requestid=27674,, The last use of the standard Chaffee came in 2002, when it featured in a rather risqué Norwegian mineral water commercial. This method of whitewashing lasted into the 1980s. When it comes to Olavsvern, there is currently talk of storing equipment for the Norwegian Army and Home Guard, ' writes Bakke-Jensen. At least 4 StuG III Ausf. When needed, the ‘sheds’ were raised via hydraulics. For this, the cable was threaded through fairleads (a device that guides a line, rope or cable) placed behind the winch drum. The request was denied and they had to change the engine in freezing cold weather in the open during the night! Norway was one of these countries that was rebuilding after the lengthy Nazi Occupation of the country. Among European NATO members, the military expenditure of US$7.2 billion is the highest per capita. On September 3 a flotilla consisting of the aircraft carrier A… With more Chaffees at their disposal, the Army began to phase out the recycled KW-IIIs. Unfortunately, these tanks are now something of a rarity, with not many surviving today. The hydraulically operated blade was shallow but roughly vehicle width at 2.84 meters (9 ft 4 in) and was mounted on the bow. Available at (Flash player required). I remember the mechanics requesting if they could tow the broken NM-116 to the nearest military garage. In the early years of the Cold War, the Norwegian Military (Forsvaret, Eng: “The Defence”) was happy with the M24 Chaffee, as it fitted its needs. Cold War era. It is possible that this piece of equipment was also recycled when the M48 fleet was upgraded. Initially, the garrison forces were equipped with recycled Panzer IIIs and StuG IIIs left behind by the surrendering German forces. It was part of one of the first batches of Ausf. The NM-116 was the result of a military on a small budget trying to improve the lethality of its tank arsenal. It had a 2 to 7 tonne (2.2 – 7.7 ton) capacity, with integral 19-tonne (21 ton) capacity winch. Brigade Nord is the northernmost combat brigade in NATO and has the capabilities to plan, lead and implement operations with support from other branches of the Norwegian Defence Forces. Panzer IIIs Fgst.Nr 74352 (‘Yellow 3’), Fgst.Nr 66158 (‘Yellow 2’), and Fgst.Nr 76219 (‘Yellow 1’) are among them. The main part of the exercise will be located in the district of Troms. Only 3 vehicles were manned at all times. With the German occupational forces in 1940, as with the other parts of the Armed Forces, the Army had to surrender to a superior force, but army units were the ones resisting for the longest period of time: The 6th Division led by the legendary Major General Carl Gustav Fleischer participated in the allied recapture of Narvik. Its original intended purpose was to serve as a potential rapid response force for the invasion of Sweden. Crew comfort was not ignored in the program, with a new internal heating system being installed to keep them warm in the cold Norwegian climate. As it shared a border with the USSR, it was seen as a crucial partner. To give an idea of the strategic importance of some of these airports, Gardermoen was located near Oslo, the capital of Norway, and was the main base of the Luftforsvaret (Royal Norwegian Airforce). Also at their disposal were motorcycles, Willys Jeeps, and Fordson ¾-ton (.68 tonne) trucks. An example of such a vehicle can be found at The Museum of the American G.I. Sola, located on Norway’s south-eastern coast, was an important link with the western Allies. This would explain the fact that some of the known vehicles are older models that had been upgraded. Its gun simply did not have the penetrative power to combat modern armored fighting vehicles. Two 208-liter (55 gallons) fuel tanks also gave it a greater range of 300 kilometers (186 miles) compared to the 160 kilometers (100 miles) of the original powerplant. The Army has been subject to great changes over the past few years: After a strong rebuilding after the war, it has been downsized after the end of the Cold War, with the biggest changes taking place in the middle of the 1990s, when a number of garrisons and units were discontinued. This propelled the 23-tonne vehicle to a top speed of 40 km/h (25 mph). Right, a Norwegian Leopard 1A5. Telemark Bataljonen and The Armoured Battalion will be organized as two near identical mechanized battalions manned mainly by contract personnel, but with some conscripts. The Army was established in all parts of the country, with a significant stronghold in Troms based on the threat picture of that time: the fear of an invasion from the East. In this page will find the solution to Norwegian king during the Cold War crossword clue. The Panzer III had very good mobility for its time. To replace these losses, the last five production Panzer III Ausf. Stamped. The initial training was carried out in recruits' schools ; it lasted for 48 days in the infantry and garrison artillery, 62 in the mountain batteries, 72 in the engineers, 92 in the field artillery, and 102 in the cavalry. The armed forces of the Livonian communist state ruled by the Livonian Workers' Party. The StuG was powered by the same 12-cylinder Maybach HL 120 TRM as the Panzer III, which propelled the 24-tonne (26 ton) vehicle to 25 mph (40 km/h). This quote from Dag Rune Nilsen provides a small insight into the NM-130’s use: “I never required assistance myself (pure luck!) Armament consisted of the 75 mm Lightweight Tank Gun M6 which had a concentric recoil system (this was a hollow tube around the barrel, a space-saving alternative to traditional recoil cylinders). but I did indeed witness the recovery team rescue many of my comrades. The Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (also known as the CFE Treaty, signed in 1990, effective as of 1992) also played a big part in the retirement of the NM-116, as it mandated comprehensive limits of conventional military equipment in European states. With the new upgrade came a new role for the tank, now designated the NM-116. The battalion also provides maintenance services. The Combat Service and Support battalion is the Army's transportation and supply unit. The original Chaffee sprocket had 13 teeth while the newer one had 12. I have added the Cold War to engadgments. These units included the Norwegian Independent Company 1 and 5 Troop, No.10 (Inter Allied) Army Commandos. The brigade is the Norwegian Army's only major combat formation. From 1955 to 1957, Prince Harald (now King Harald V) served in a Chaffee crew during his conscription years in the Norwegian Armed Forces. Thor Christofferson, Former NM-116 Commander, retired. Home Guard 5. Gs handed over, but their origins are unknown. To augment the ambush tactics used with the NM-116, the vehicles would be covered in ‘live’ camouflage. Operation of the boom was rather simple, with basic levers that raise, lower, swing, extend/retract the boom, and let-out/reel-in the winch cable. 3 – 1: Panzerkampfwagen III Ausf. But no sooner had independence celebrations in 1905 died down than Norway, together with the rest of Europe, had to face up to the end of the make-believe paradise that was Europe at the dawn of the 20th century. In Norwegian service, these were called Stridsvogn KW-III and Stormkanon KW-III, respectively. It was armed with the 75 mm Lightweight Tank Gun M6. The same eight smoke-grenade launchers, or Røyklegginganlegg (Smoke Laying Device), that were added to the turret of the NM-116 were also installed on the NM-130. The NM-130’s crew consisted of three personnel; Commander, Crane Operator and Driver. After a lengthy trial period, the Hæren accepted the vehicle and a contract for the conversion of an additional 71 tanks was signed with Thune-Eureka A/S. H, built by Motorenwerke Augsburg Nuremberg (MAN) in 1941 and would have been equipped with the short 5 cm KwK 39 L/42 gun. As for the two StuG III Gs, Fgst.Nr 76149 has been cosmetically restored and currently resides in storage at the Forsvarsmuseet, Trandum. Here, Dag Rune Nilsen describes how the vehicles were employed: “The NM-116 wasn’t regarded as much of a tank and there were many jokes about it. WW2 British biscuit container. With all power-providing components removed, the turrets would have been traversed manually. They would sit in storage for a few years until 1948 , when the Norwegian Military – preparing for a possible Soviet invasion – devised a defensive plan for Norway’s strategic airfields. The function of these numbers is unknown, however. However, as the war with the Soviet Union dragged on, it was decided that most of the 25th Panzer division would depart from Norway in the fall of 1943 and be moved to the Eastern Front. Amongst other things, 16 Panzer Is and the three remaining Panzer III Ausf. The drive sprocket was at the front, while the idler was at the rear. The Panzers that were adopted into the Norwegian Army were of varying quality, some of them had even been sabotaged by the Allies. By the 1960s, the M24 was still in service with the Norwegian Army (Hæren) and was starting to show its age. Cap used by Norwegian army in cold war. The NM-116 was very easy to maneuver and we managed several times [on excercise] to trick Leopards battle tanks into short-range traps in wooded areas where their overconfident crews were unable to turn their turrets due to trees making them extremely vulnerable!”. As the Norwegian citizenry had not been armed or trained in the use of arms for nearly three centuries they were not able to fight. If the crane was raised to 25 degrees of elevation or over, the maximum load was reduced to 2 tonnes (2.2 tons). Army and Outdoors - also known as Kiwi Disposals - has been around for a while now, more than 30 years' actually. This however, would also not last long as the unit again went through several restructurings before finally ending up as the Panzerbrigade Norwegen. By 1951, the entire KW-III force had been replaced by the plentiful Chaffees. These German-made devices were electrically fired, and were used to launch the 76 mm (3 in) Røykboks (smoke grenade) DM2 HC grenade. The point is that all tank crews will regularly amend the tanks for comfort and for practical purposes.”, An article by Mark Nash, assisted by Steffen Hjønnevåg, Dag Rune Nilsen, & Thor Christofferson. One of the most crucial aims of the upgrade program was to increase the Chaffee’s lethality – the old 75 mm gun was now obsolete. Armor on the vehicle was 16 to 80 mm (.62 to 3.15 in) thick. The Army participated in wars during the 17th, 18th and 19th century as well, both in Norway and abroad. NM-116’s assigned to platoon leaders were equipped with an AN/VRC44 unit, while other tanks were equipped with the AN/VRC64. Just four vehicles would be converted, but they would all go on to support the NM-116 throughout its service life. The heat exchanger for the transmission and differential were installed in the engine compartment, while the exchanger for the additional gearbox was incorporated into an existing radiator. The blade was operated by the driver. Another improvement to the operation of the tank came with the introduction of new radios. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Soldiers deserted or were captured. Much of the fleet was scrapped with the rest ‘sentenced to death’ as targets on various ranges. The crane had a maximum lift capacity of 7 tonnes (7.7 tons), as long as the boom was not raised over 25 degrees upwards. Norway received its first Chaffee’s from the US under the ‘MAP’ in 1946. 331 (Norwegian) Squadron defended London from 1941 and was the highest scoring fighter squadron in South England during the war. Good realistic practice even though the crew disagreed!”. A small dozer blade was also installed on the vehicle’s lower glacis. It was operated by a 5 man crew, consisting of the commander, gunner, loader, driver and assistant driver/radio operator.

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