In 2020-2024: Mercury Retrograde dates/periods (recent and upcoming): February 16 to March 9, 2020 (in Pisces and Aquarius), June 18 to July 12, 2020 (in Cancer), October 13 to November 3, 2020 (in Scorpio and Libra). Try Different Quizzes People Are Talking About! Mercury goes Retrograde in Scorpio (11º 40") on October 14 at 1:05 am Universal Time, and on October 13 at 9:05 pm EDT and 6:05 pm PDT. The frustration comes from an inability to connect to others at a personal level. An dieser Stelle wird untersucht, wie die Verbindung von Merkur zur Sonne aussieht, und wie die Unterschiede der Ebenen der Wahrnehmung zwischen Merkur und Mond aussehen. November 1999 wanderte der Merkur für manche Gebiete der Erde vollständig, für andere nur teilweise an der Sonne vorbei. The last Mercury Retrograde of 2020 begins the Pre-Shadow in Libra on September 23 at 8:55 pm Universal Time*, 4:55 pm EDT, 1:55 pm PDT. As logic and structure become less reliable, we'll be asked to lean on intuition or switch to objectivity if we're overwhelmed by emotion. es weiteren wollen wir uns anschauen, wie Merkur in der Verbindung zu anderen Planetenbeeinflusst wird.Dabei geht es uns vor allem um die langsam laufenden Planeten. Ein solcher Transit wird als streifender Transit bezeichnet. Fog alert! 2020 Mercury Retrograde Dates. Read Me: 2020 Astrology Calendar: Retrogrades, Full Moons, and More. by The AstroTwins. 76SharesMercury opposite Saturn natal brings intelligence and wisdom, but also great frustration and sadness. January 30 to February 20, 2021 (in Aquarius), May 29 to June 22, 2021 (in Cancer), September 27 to October 18, 2021 (in Libra), Let us take a look at Mercury Retrograde calendar for the coming year! ). Around 13 times per century, Mercury passes between Earth and the sun in a rare astronomical event known as a planetary transit. Lesen : Jahreshoroskop 2020 im Detail Die Sternzeichen, die von rückläufige Merkur im Jahr 2020 betroffen sind: Stier – Merkur rückläufig in Löwe wird Ihr Familienleben, Ihre Vergangenheit und Ihr Zuhause beeinflussen, was emotionale Sicherheit und Stabilität gewährleistet. The first Mercury retrograde of 2020 is here. Today, we struck a glancing blow to a truck that tried to shoot the crossing gates as they were lowering. Problems with hearing or a poor attention span lead to words being misinterpreted. Your reliable partner in Switzerland when entering new markets, importing and exporting various products ... Over 1000 containers of cargo are in transit still you read this page. On an Amtrak train since 9:51pm yesterday. Beim streifenden Merkurdurchgang am 15. The reason is a lack of communication skills. Submitted by Dominic Carpin on February 21, 2020 - 4:51pm. Organization of supplies of meat products, fish, cheese, dairy products, drinking water etc. Insgesamt sind 2,8 % aller Merkurtransite streifend, über eine Zeitspanne von einer halben Million Jahre gerechnet. To help yourself out, mark your calendar with these key Mercury retrograde dates. Find out how to stay afloat while Mercury is in reverse! Mercury is retrograde from February 16 to March 9 is the first Mercury retrograde of 2020 (there are three! MERKUR TRADING SA. This signal-jamming transit adds an extra dollop of disarray to our daily routines and affairs. Dazu gehören Saturn sowie die transsaturnalen … Last night the train was at a dead standstill for five hours due to trees on the tracks. Was supposed to be in Orlando four hours ago. So you often think the worst […]
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